Nama : Cyndi Rianti Tambunan
Npm : 21211694
Kelas : 3EB22
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #
Leave Rules
Civil Service sick for 1 (one) or 2
(two) days shall be entitled to sick leave, provided, that he shall notify his
Civil Servants are sick more than 2
(two) days to 14 (fourteen) days shall be entitled to sick leave, provided that
the civil servants concerned should submit a request in writing to the
competent authority gives leave to attach a medical certificate.
Civil Servants were sick more than 14
(fourteen) days shall be entitled to sick leave, provided that the civil
servants concerned should submit a request in writing to the competent
authority gives leave to attach a medical certificate authorized by the Minister
of Health.
Sick leave as referred to in point 3 is
given to the longest period of 1 (one) year
Sick leave as referred to in point 3 can
be added to the long 6 (six) months when deemed necessary based on the
physician's certificate shown by the Minister of Health.
Civil Servants are not cured of the
disease within the period referred to in points 4 and 5, should be re-examined
by a health physician appointed by the Minister of Health.
When based on the test results, health
as referred to in point 6, PNS is concerned not recovered from his illness, he
stopped with a call from the department Karen ill wait to get money based
regulation legislative peundang happen.
Civil Servants women who have fallen on
sick leave right content to the old 1 1/2 (one setenga) months.
For sick leave as referred to in point
9, PNS concerned must submit a request in writing to the competent authority to
grant such leave with a letter of explanation doctor or midwife.
Civil Servants who had an accident in
and therefore carry out its obligations until it needs the right care for sick
leave to recover from illness, the civil servant concerned receives a full
To: All Workers
Instead of : The Stress
Copies : All Readers
This Memo
Referring to the case
above , the following are the latest guidelines regarding
taking sick leave .
Each worker is destined
for 10 days sick leave a year . but once
you should not arbitrarily
take sick leave if not sick.
find the disease its
name . Pain had exceeded will be rejected from the annual leave
even if you are really
sick . Sick leave may not be transferred property or
brought to the beyond.
MC ( Medical
Certificate ) or permit Hospitals need to be attached to the accreditation forms
leave . MC handwriting
is not acceptable . If berubat hometown , please ask tock
witches or issued with
respect handler permit pain or
get the maintainability
of witches panel appointed by the Compagnie .
Heartache , mental
illness, throbbing headache and pain
muscle panting sick
leave is not justified . Forms leave the Panadol pads or boxes
three feet ubat cap will not serv .
You desired menalipon
officials proclaim you and your sick leave
do not need to carry a
tone of pity followed the typical impression throaty voice dry cough
embroidered with berkokol - Kokol to prove that you are sick . SMS is also
allowed if you are voiceless but not encouraged .
So , please be advised
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